Firstly, what’s a bad credit score?
A credit score or rating is a number between 0 and 1,000 that tells businesses how likely you are to pay your bills or your loan repayments on time. It’s calculated based on a range of things like if your bills are overdue, the number of bank accounts you have, credit cards and other levels of debt. The higher the score, the better your rating is, and if your credit score is low, it could affect your chances of a loan provider giving you a personal loan.
Getting a personal loan with bad credit
At Instant Finance we believe that everyone deserves the chance to remedy their financial situation and be given the opportunity to get back on their feet financially. We know it can be disheartening to be turned away from mainstream lenders and other loan providers if you have a bad credit score or have defaulted on payments before, and when you need cash fast, having an extra layer of stress is the last thing you need! That’s why we do things differently.