Security & Scam Safety
What is a scam?
The definition of a scam is a deceptive scheme or tactic that tricks someone out of something – often money. Scams can be performed over the phone, emails, flyers in your mailbox, in person, and on social media.
There are many different types of scams including investment scams, computer 'service' scams, Ponzi schemes and more. Here you can read more about common scams.
You can also find a list of some of the scams that are circulating at the moment that our team are aware of here.
If there are Instant Finance related scams you are aware of, or become aware of, please let us know by emailing us at
What to do if you suspect someone has tried to scam you?
Scammers may pretend to be Instant Finance. If someone has approached you and you suspect that they are trying to scam you using Instant Finance’s name or details, please let us know.
If you’ve interacted with a potential scam or given any personal information to someone, contact us immediately.
If you’ve given away your bank account or credit card details, contact your bank and let them know.
Freephone: 0800 760 000
Find a local Instant Finance branch.
How will I know if I’m being targeted by a scammer posing as Instant Finance?
First off, we will never ask for your passwords or bank card details. This is an instant red flag that you could be talking to a scammer. If you have the slightest suspicion that you could be the target of a scammer posing as Instant Finance, it’s best to pause communication with them and call us directly on 0800 760 000 or come and see us at an Instant Finance branch near you.
Instant Finance’s security practices
The security of your personal information and data is fundamental to Instant Finance. We protect your data with advanced data encryption on our website. In addition, our team constantly review and optimise our security systems to keep our data safe and protect our clients from scams.
General scam safety tips
Here are some quick tips to get your scam safety up to scratch.
- Be suspicious. Do your research before engaging in any unexpected opportunities or contact, even if it seems trustworthy. Google the company or person to find out what others have said about their experiences with them.
- Unless you’re confident that you know the sender, never click on links or open attachments in emails. Just delete it.
- Don’t be afraid to stand your ground. Scammers often turn to pressure or intimidation if their charm doesn’t work on you. You have every right to say no or be impolite. If in doubt, hang up or delete the message.
- Make it more challenging for hackers to breach your data. Use complicated passwords, don’t save or write them down, and install a reputable anti-virus on your devices. This makes it more difficult for hackers and scammers to access your personal information.
- Learn more tips and tricks here.